King Mezzo

King Mezzo Product and packaging innovation. Sample design. Name and logo. Sample recipes based on significant research. We made the project for the purpose of advertising and presentation of the...


Recognified Responsive, animated and interactive interscroller banners. Our development and innovation, which conquered the German market and made our partner Recognized market leader. This innovative product involves the development and integration of responsive and...


Coca Cola 1st place in Coca-Cola competition for innovative products + jury award...


Festool Награда в конкурс за иновация на Festoool. Концепцията е лицензирана от Festool (най-престижната награда). 5 участия бяха лицензирани и организираха финален кръг, в който да доразвиваме концепциите съвместно със специалист от Festool. Подобрявахме материалите,...


Eltrade Design and Innovation for Software. We have offered over 30 innovations and about 20 improvements.       Complete restructuring and optimization. We are unable to share the project – only a limited number of...


Microinvest Design and Innovation for Microinvest – Research, Market Analysis, Design, UX, UI. ~30 innovations for self-service software. A distinctive vision that impressed all the leaders in the field. ▶ Microinvest Design & Innovation – Self Service...