“Design and Innovation”

A service through which we accelerate and facilitate the processes of creating concepts, innovations, and improvements. We apply the most contemporary methods for research, concept creation, design, development, prototyping, and testing. We commit to assisting you at every stage, including technical solutions, materials, suppliers and subcontractors, brochures, technical documentation, and contracts. Minimal commitment – you order, receive, and produce!


Significantly expanding companies’ capabilities and the quality of their developments. Reduced costs. Cutting the time to create new products by 50-70%.

For us, the “Innovation” service is an opportunity to contribute to a better life, more cost-effective production, pollution reduction, resource conservation, longer product lifespans, environmental friendliness, improved quality, and benefits for society.

We work with loyalty, confidentiality, and data protection.

We are dedicated to the processes of creation, innovation, and design, aiming to provide services with exceptional efficiency. We continuously enhance our creative methods, approach, tools, and methodology. We stand on the edge of what’s possible because this is our opportunity to be part of the future and do what we love – Design!

“Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem”


  • product
  • service
  • software, application, website
  • packaging, label
  • advertising, campaign
  • corporate and production improvements


The service includes:

  • Research in the field, competitors, clients, existing solutions, conceptual development, technical specifications, and more.
  • Design
  • Visualizations (including 3D)
  • Prototyping
  • Testing
  • Technical documentation and drawings
  • Finding specialists and subcontractors
  • Conceptual development in the areas of graphic design, branding, advertising, product design, UX, UI

An indispensable partner

Creating something different requires different people. There’s no need to develop employees or yourself for years to use the qualities once, and probably not so successfully. We have:

  • 15 years of experience, 10+ design/innovation awards, and many developments that have proven themselves over time as exceptional.
  • refined methods and techniques for creating innovations.
  • “out-of-the-box” thinking. Imagination, creativity, and proven talent.
  • a very high level of design. The ability to visualize and realize the full potential of concepts.
  • a broad network of professionals.

Work process (3-5 weeks)

1. In-depth market research, competition analysis, problem assessment, existing solutions evaluation, historical data review, trends analysis, production investigation, materials study, and collection of necessary technical data. We utilize information from existing clients.

2. We employ various proven-effective techniques to generate a large number of solutions.

3. Internal assessment of concepts and their refinement and optimization considering production feasibility, client needs, aesthetic appeal, and other factors.

4. We consult with specialists, ensuring confidentiality, sharing only very limited aspects of the developments without disclosing project information, in order to present guaranteed feasible concepts.

5. We visualize in the best possible way, including 3D. We create everything necessary to provide a comprehensive representation: packaging, advertising, design, names, and more, to assist in all aspects of your future stages.

6. We prepare a presentation that can be understood by a wide audience: board of directors, partners, investors.


Innovation is not an expense. It’s a secure investment! Besides revenue, innovation brings many benefits:

  • The most impactful advertising potential that can make your company known (when combined with the right marketing). Innovation can be developed with the sole purpose of enhancing image and advertising.
  • It improves your image in front of partners and clients.
  • Creates new contacts and development opportunities.
  • Leads to new ideas and improvements among employees and partners.
  • Helps in the development of employees and subcontractors. If you need development and improvements in the future, you will have reliable subcontractors and skilled employees. To receive quality results, you need to develop them.
  • Boosts morale within the company and highlights the importance of your employees.
  • Retains customers because they know you are evolving and a source of improvement. You impress them, and they value you, even if someone else offers something more.

Toward great things

If we don’t develop it, you won’t have it. But we can win together! Have doubts? You won’t pay anything! Shall we agree on a percentage of the revenue? We have no doubts!

About Us & Policy


Team & Partners


About the service


Graphic Design

Web Design

Games & Web Animations

Photo session & Retouch

Banners & ADs


Product Design & 3D

Video & Animations




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Contest Awards

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