Eltrade Design and Innovation for Software. We have offered over 30 innovations and about 20 improvements. Complete restructuring and optimization. We are unable to share the project – only a limited number of...
Microinvest Design and Innovation for Microinvest – Research, Market Analysis, Design, UX, UI. ~30 innovations for self-service software. A distinctive vision that impressed all the leaders in the field. ▶ Microinvest Design & Innovation – Self Service...
Deutsche Bank 2 Participation in the Deutsche Bank Innovation Contest 2016. App with many benefits and innovative services. Successful – 3 years later, every bank had same or similar...
Deutsche Bank Participation in a Deutsche Bank innovation competition. We didn’t win the competition, but we add the project among the most successful, since this vision is a “lifestyle” for millions today. “Innovative” (for its time)...
Hype Software Design and innovation. QA (Quality Assurance), 30 UI & UX improvement, suggestions and innovative concepts. Many of our suggestions were accepted and implemented (including a mobile version). ▶ Hype Software Design & Innovation Hype Software...
Wired, Cisco, Adidas 4th place + award from workplace innovation contest. Graphic design and application design (UX & UI). Since the design contest was one of the most significant globally, a month or a bit later, a package of changes followed at LinkedIn, similar...